Nowadays all shop and mall owners, exhibition and conference organizers strive for providing their customers with the most current information about their companies, goods, and services, and also about actual events, sales, and actions. No less important is to know the attendance level of their shopping and exhibition grounds. But without modern technical means it’s quite a challenging task.

The IndoorRoute service is a tool for business optimization, management of clients and visitors loyalty, and gathering statistics for successful marketing activities.
The IndoorRoute service is a system, whose components can be used separately, but all together can give the most positive result.
So the IndoorRoute system includes:
mobile app with unique design in corporate identity;
indoor navigation;
statistics and customized reports on attendance online;
infokiosks, advertising displays and more.
Mobile app is :
a catalog of shops, goods, and services / exhibition and conference participants;
informing about events, promotions and discounts, including individual (personal barcodes);
all kinds of push notification;
socialization (ratings, reviews, friends, etc.);
feedback from customers and visitors.
Additionally, the ‘Indoor navigation’ feature can be provided, so the app allows user to:
determine his own location on the building map;
get route to the selected place;
view friends’ locations and assign a meeting place;
be notified in certain location, for example, passing the store you can learn current promotions, events and discounts.
To collect statistics, on the territory are located Wi-Fi-beacons that provide users with Internet-connection and capture their movements, duration of stay in a particular area, recurrence, and are also responsible for statistical reporting of personal or anonymous data.

Personal data (age, gender, preferences, etc.) are available when user installs the mobile application; anonymous data, ie impersonal statistics, are provided from all users using Wi-Fi. Collecting personal data is quite legitimate, as when installing the application user accepts the License Agreement.
Reports are generated on their basis of online statistical data collected by different criteria:
general level of attendance;
percentage of new visitors;
duration of stay;
zones of high and low visiting activity.
Statement customization is also available: the system can be reconfigured quickly to the needs of the organization.
The IndoorRoute service is a system that is already working!